You may seek out additional resources if you wish, but please use these resources as a starting point in your research. Please remember to choose 2 disabilities to research.
Learning Disabilities:
Please read the introduction at Misunderstood Minds and then choose one of the links on the left, reading, writing, or math. Try the three activities there.
Then go to LDonline and read the LD basics. Click on the link to the specific LD you chose in the previous paragraph and read a bit about that specific disability.
You may also want to explore some of the multimedia there.
Other Health Impairments
ADHD is classified under other health impairments on IDEA. Please explore this topic at Misunderstood Minds being sure to select the attention link to the left.
Then go to LDonline and read the ADHD basics.
If you wish to research another health impairment, please talk to me first.
You may also choose to research other disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy, behavior disorders/emotional disturbance, developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injury, speech and language disorders, or twice exceptionality. If you so choose, please obtain approval from your teacher first.